
Friday 16 September 2011

How Do You Lose Belly Fat - Right Approach To A Flatter Stomach

How Do You Lose Belly Fat - Right Approach To A Flatter Stomach

Losing weight is one thing, but there is a more specific question that a lot of people have: How do you lose belly fat? all different kinds of secrets, hints, tips and techniques have been put forth; some by qualified medical professionals, and others by people who don't have any real understanding of the issue. In other words, it can be difficult to learn what the truth is about losing belly fat. Not to worry, we will take a look at what's true, and get you well on your way to a flatter tummy.

Let's face it, a flat, firm stomach is consider as a sure sign of sex appeal. However, medical research has also shown that getting rid of abdominal fat is a strong indication of a longer, healthier life. See, even though you are probably well aware that carrying too much fat on your body isn't good for you, where you carry it has an effect on your health. Those who have the most fat in their abdomen have increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and other conditions than those who have extra fat in their thighs, hips and buttock.

It's not going to shock anybody to hear that the best way to lose belly fat is through eating right and regular exercise. Plus, there is an ever-increasing amount of data pointing out that the fastest way to get rid of the fat around your tummy is by combining aerobic exercise and weight training.

One particular study kept tracked of thirty overweight women for a period of six months. Each was assigned to one of the three following groups: aerobic exercise, combined exercise, or the control group. The first group did a sixty minute cardio workout for six days per week. The second group did cardio exercises three days a week and weight training three days a week (alternating days for each). The control group made no changes.

After the six month study period was over, the researchers had their results. The women in the aerobic exercise only group had lost 23 cm of subcutaneous fat in their abdomens; not bad. But the group that combined cardio and weight workouts lost close to 62 cm, nearly triple the amount of the aerobic only group! When it came to measuring visceral fat in the abdomen, there was a marked improvement as well. Where the aerobic group lost 82 cm, the combined lost 93 cm. As expected, the control group showed no statistical change.

What does this research mean for those that want to get rid of their belly fat? It means they need to get moving. But exercising harder is only part of the bigger picture. You also need to exercise smarter. In this case, that means alternating days of aerobic workouts with days where you focus on weight training. But the real key isn't just the exercise, it's burning more calories than you take in.

To lower your total amount of body fat, and thereby a flabby tummy, you need to right, too. The main thing you have to be able to do is maintain your muscle mass, this requires protein. Then 20% to 30% should come from predominantly healthy fats. Finally, the rest of your diet can be rounded out with carbohydrates. Again, remembering to eat fewer calories than you're able to burn.

4 Tips To Help Me Lose My Belly Fat

4 Tips To Help Me Lose My Belly Fat

Do you say “I want to lose my belly fat?” Do you have unsightly love handles? Do you even have a pot belly? Well, you don’t have to suffer any longer. You can have a flat stomach and no longer have to say I want to lose my belly fat.

There are several reasons why you have accumulated fat in your belly. The trick to “I want to lose my belly fat” lies in controlling the intake of the products which add to your belly fat while taking the precautionary measures that allow you to lose all of your belly fat fast. You can get slim and slender.

There are several substantive suggestions I have to the dilemma “I want to lose my belly fat.”

1. Do sit ups. Sit ups and crunches are the easiest and probably the most effective way to lose belly fat fast. You will achieve the desired results in no time. All fat is just stored energy. Therefore, in order to lose belly fat, you need to burn more calories than you consume. In order to get the best results, you need to do sit ups which are the single most effective exercise. They work on almost all body types.

2. Next, cut out the fried stuff. In order to get washboard abs, you need to cut out some kinds of foods. Fried foods will put on belly fat faster than any other kind of caloric intake. Fried foods mostly contain empty calories which are poor in nutrient value. They only provide you with calories which add to your belly fat.

3. Don’t snack between meals. Snacking is one of the best (or worst) ways to stack up that belly fat. And, late night eating is the worst kind of snacking. When you consume your calories during the day, you have a chance to burn them off. But, when you eat at night, you go to sleep and that food just sits in your stomach. Additionally, when you eat at night, you tend to engage in mindless snacking. You’ll start out with a whole bag of chips and after an hour of television, half is gone. When you snack, you are not being mindful of your food which leads you to have to say “I want to lose my belly fat.”

4. Burn it off. As I mentioned earlier, belly fat is unused energy. It accumulates in the form of fat in the stomach area. If you want to get rid of belly fat, you have to burn off more calories than you take in. All kinds of aerobic exercise is good for burning belly fat. This can include walking, running, cycling, or working out on a cardio machine at the gym. But even working basic activities like taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work or parking in the furthest lot when going to the mall can help.

If you find yourself saying “I want to lose my belly fat,” follow the four suggestions in this article and you will soon find yourself with the flat stomach that you have longed for.